More affordable than you think.
Grout is the filling between the tiles. After installation, the grout should have a sealant applied to close the natural pores in the material. However, over time, the sealant will wear off. When this happens, the grout stains more easily. Plus, since the grout is often slightly lower than the level of the tile, dirt can settle along the grout lines. Therefore, you should have professional cleaning to remove the stains from your grout and reseal it to keep it looking great.
If you have sealed your tile and grout after installation, you should only use professional tile and grout cleaners once every few years. Most homes today have at least a room or two with tile because of its many benefits, some of which include:
- Very low maintenance required - just regular cleaning
- Ability to be placed in a wide variety of settings - fireplaces, kitchen floors, bathroom walls
- Cost effectiveness - very low
- Durability - no dents like in hardwood or snags and pulls like in carpets
- Ease of repair - it's much easier to replace a broken tile than it is a hardwood plank
After installation, you will quickly find out if your tile and grout is unsealed, as any food or drink spilled onto the floor will soak into the tile and grout, potentially staining it permanently.
Even when sealed, tile floors can start to show their age by the tile grout darkening and discoloring (This is the most common complaint from homeowners and business owners).
Particularly because tile is frequently found in a moist environment, like a bathroom or a kitchen, grout can darken, and in some cases, grow mold or black mold. Tile floors can easily be restore to their former glory by a quick dose of tile and grout cleaning.
Although a quick cleaning should be done with your regular kitchen cleaning, bathroom cleaning and general housecleaning to keep it looking as good as you can, a dose of professional tile cleaning and grout cleaning can erase the stains and discoloring you aren't able to clean with regular household cleaners.
Why is sealing your tile & grout important?
Grout sealant is vital in the longevity of your tile and grout if done properly. It is important to ensure that the process is being done correctly and that the right products are being used. Grout sealant protects from natural deterioration, day-to-day wear, and helps to keep your tile cleaner, longer.
When grout is not sealed in time, grime and water can seep into it, causing cracks on your tiles and forcing them to break at a certain point. By sealing your grout, you get to prolong your tile surface's lifespan and minimize damage to a considerable extent.
We Seal Your Grout for a Longer-Lasting Clean After cleaning your tiled floors and walls, we seal the grout to protect it from future stains. Ideally, you should have your grout sealed at least once a year to keep the sealant intact, reduce staining, and maintain the grout’s color. Let us handle the sealing of your grout and the cleaning of your tile when we visit.